Friday, March 21, 2008

Why a Web 2.0 Blog?

Recently I attended a class called "Social Software 101." The class was designed to initiate professionals into the Web 2.0 revolution. That's real nice, but what is the Web 2.0 revolution? What I found is that many of the so-called Web 2.0 tools are used by the casual computer user - which I categorize myself - every day. We just don't know it. The class really peaked my interest and I have been doing a lot of reading to attempt to understand the Web 2.0 phenomena. In my reading I have found that the information available on Web 2.0 is overwhelming. But what I have not found is that one web stop that breaks Web 2.0 down for newbies - or the casual web surfer like myself. What I hope to do with this blog is twofold: 1) Better understand the Web 2.0 phenomena; and 2) Translate my learning into a running dialog for other Web 2.0 newbies.

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